Sunday 15 December 2019

5 Stress buster tips

1. When it all gets too much in the run up to Christmas (or any other time) don't get your hands around someone's throat. Go into the bathroom, pick up a towel, grasp the long ends and twist it, keep twisting and verbalise about what is stressing you, it's in the privacy of the bathroom so if you want you can swear and stamp your feet as you twist, I certainly find the foot stamping helps. Twist and twist that towel until it can't be twisted any more. By the time you get to that point you have used up all your anger. The towel won't hold a grudge. Flick it out nd hang it back where you got if=t from. Exit the bathroom calm and serene.

2. Go to a private place and breathe in to a slow count of 7 and breath out to a slow count of 11. Keep the 7:11 breathing up until you feel calm and relaxed.

3. Remember, no matter how bad things feel, in a years time you will have forgotten you were  
stressed today.

4. Go for a walk, even a short walk. Walking costs nothing and you will complete your tasks better fo having taken the time to look after yourself.

5. This is my favourite. Feel the stress. Yes, really, feel the stress. Take time out and observe the stress, ask yourself if there are any emotions attached to it maybe anger, frustration, disappointment. Feel the emotion, check out where in your body you feel it, observe it, how is it effecting you? Once you start to observe yourself it is amazing how an unwelcome emotion dissolves under scrutiny.

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