Sunday 5 January 2020

Resolutions - Today I will help myself -1

Even though I believe it is good to take stock of where we are and what changes we want to make in our lives I gave up making new year resolutions a long time ago. I believe the Reiki way with daily precepts are far easier to keep to i.e Just for today I will not anger etc. I know in my heart of hearts that if I say I am going to loose weight and get fit and stay fit this year I am setting myself up to fail and by the end of January I will be eating chocolate to console myself because I can't get into my favourite pair of jeans. So on Friday 4th January I decided that just for today I would try out the NHS couch to 5 kilometre running programme (C25K). The programme entails exercising three times a week with at least one day rest between each session. The goal is to be able to run for 30 minutes completing approximately 5 kilometres after 9 weeks of exercise. During the first week you warm up with five minutes brisk walking and then alternately 60 seconds running and 90 minutes brisk walking and ending off with five minutes brisk walking. There is a great download with a trainer telling you what to do when and some good running music. I read that someone suggested a cold bath after the workout, I thought that was definitely something I was not going to try. As luck would have it Mother Nature decided to give me a cold shower by turning on her rain tap just before I reached home.
Saturday 5th January the tops of my legs were aching a bit but not too bad.
Sunday 6th January I  decided that just for today I will try to improve my fitness level and do another  C25K session. I looked outside at the weather and it was drizzling so set about finding my lightweight waterproof sports jacket with hood, nowhere to be seen in the end I grabbed a floral waterproof which looked awful with my grey joggers. I was on the verge of deciding I couldn't go out looking such a mess when I realised that such a decision. would be made out of pure ego because I was worried about what people would think of me. I headed out into the rain I'm pretty sure some of the local seagulls were laughing at me but at the end of the day I can add to my gratitude list the fact I am grateful that aged well over 60  I can still run (sort of) and I can do so in a lovely part of the country and I can see and hear the seagulls.

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