Friday 28 February 2020

3 achievements yoga, running and published

I have had the most amazing week! Firstly I found myself a yoga class and thoroughly enjoyed it. I have been intending to return to yoga classes since I relocated two and a half years ago. SecondlyI completed the NHS C25K programme. Basically C25K stands for couch to 5 kilometres it is a programme to take someone like me who had become a couch potato to being able to run for 30 minutes (aprox 5k) in nine weeks. I completed the programme in seven and a half weeks and feel great. Thirdly a published my book on Amazon in both eReader and paperback format. All in all a great week, unfortunately I cannot celebrate with a glass of bubbly because I have given up alcohol for Lent, this could turn into a lifetime of abstinence but it might not.....

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